Temporomandibular Disorders

A temporomandibular disorder can sometimes be referred to as a jaw sprain. This means you may have either a sore jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) or jaw muscles (muscles of mastication) or both.

Treatment of this condition involves as a routine, non-invasive treatment that is designed to address aggravating causes. This might involve teaching you some practical strategies during the day to help your sore jaw and some simple jaw exercises.

The treatment may also involve the use of a custom made grinding splint (occlusal splint) for tooth grinding (bruxism) or tooth clenching.

Not all patients require an occlusal splint.

The need for such a dental device will be explained to you at the first visit after a diagnosis has been made.

An occlusal splint is designed to reduce the amount of work your jaw does at night. This device does not stop you tooth grinding, because as humans, many times we may clench or teeth or grind the teeth at night. The aim of the occlusal splint is to certainly protect your teeth but to also reduce any pain or jaw stiffness you experience in the morning.